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Showing posts from December, 2018

FST Network - Fast Smart Trustworthy

Hello everyone, If you are interested in Blockchain technology and want to invest in a Project that uses blockchain technology, you should read my article because I will introduce the Blockchain project called FST Network and to find out more about the benefits and advantages of the FST Network, here is the explanation: What is FST Network? #FSTNetwork   #FST   #BlockchainModules FST Network is a 2-tiered Modularised Network with Software Mining. Designed to bring Smart Scalability, Modularisation and User Friendliness to the blockchain space. FST Network is a Layer 3 network, that connects business applications to the foundation Blockchain-layer. It is a combination of Modules and our Software Mining Mechanisms, which not only Ease development but also creating a Native Token Environment and increasing throughput of the protocol that we are attached to 200–400 times. FST Network is a one-stop solution in adopting Blockchain Technology. It is the world's first e...

Moozicore ICO

Blockchain si sta avvicinando e la musica non fa eccezione.  Moozicore è un'applicazione di streaming musicale basata su blockchain sfocata.  Ci possono essere momenti in cui vai a qualsiasi festa, festival o attività ricreativa e desideri alcuni momenti sulla strada per riprodurre la tua musica preferita nella playlist musicale.  questa opportunità  E ora è molto possibile se usi Moozicore. Moozicore è una nuova piattaforma musicale che consente agli utenti di avere un maggiore controllo sulla musica che ascoltano, Moozicore si connette e si contrae con i proprietari di musica per fare davvero delle foto.  l'utente.  Il progetto attualmente supporta applicazioni per software Android e iOS.  In molti casi, il brano verrà riprodotto in base alla funzione di votazione, il che significa che saremo basati sul suono per decidere quale canzone verrà aggiunta alla coda, il prossimo elenco di brani.  Gli utenti possono anche condividere esper...


Autoblock Is it the auto-block worn out? Other! They art and how people buy, sell and explore cars. We want to make transparent Autoblock revolutionize and die, hence buying and selling without accident instead. Car sales portal for car dealers who get autocoin to buy and to create new products for your products for you. There will be a prestige, success, car classic car and autocoin in all worlds with auto repair mass casts. Welcome, Die and Used Car Appraisal Vehicle Data, Auto-Block Mission The Blockchain Technology, with its database of detailed real-time bills, will be one with all vehicle specifications created on the world whole. The MATIC block technology enables individual customers. It was with a car block? Car sales portal for car dealers that will help you to find the right car for your products and products. First of all, prestige, successful and classic cars are being transacted worldwide with Autocoin, followed by mass-market car dealerships. Vehicle insuran...

It is no secret that many states, enterprises are beginning to use blockchain technology in their infrastructures, in the near future there will also be tools, platforms for institutional investors to join the world of the digital market with large injections and this will allow traders and beginners to earn even more. Current exchanges have a number of drawbacks and not all users have confidence and safe storage of their funds. You have to register on each platform, verify your identity, have a small number of crypto-currency pairs to trade, there is a need to use several exchangers, losing both time and potential profit. And yet no one provides a fairly extensive arsenal for each user, regardless of experience, have considerable fees, transaction limit, a centralized database that can hack hackers and steal funds, such examples are already enough. Such disadvantages reduce the attractiveness of digital virtual currencies for new investors and affect the market as a whole. ...


Having a business is indeed a dream for some people. Quite often they will make various efforts to create all the best possibilities for their business. One of them is this project which has a good strategy to market their products. Well actually there are many projects out there that are good, but this project has a very different advantage that you can use to invest in long periods, therefore I will outline the way the project works ... Being the Best company in the whole world is an ideal for this project, an effective company that is already established. With such a large number of products, of course, it is an opportunity for the community to invest on a national scale to continue to develop its business. this project wants to be the best project in the whole world, not an impossible thing, because the resources owned by this company are very large. The Best Company in all countries is not a figment, if community satisfaction can continue to be maintained, so that emotional...


WHAT IS THO COIN? An ecosystem which combines Finance, Blockchain and The Internet Of Things. Complex platform build on top of the Ehereum blockchain. THO is a global, open source and decentralized supercomputer which anyone can access. Secured, Trusted and Fast expanding. Athero THO token will be listed at several top tier cryptocurrency exchanges . Our team has reached preliminary agreements with representatives of these markets. Smart contract applications (DAaps) Decentralized p2p network Wifi ready solar smart bench network (IOT) Smart car parking technology(IOT) Receiving and distributing IOT data Decentralized domain system with ready data sharing Air and pollution smart sensors (IOT) Decentralized exchange Fast expanding community OUR GOAL The ultimate goal of THO is to be the all-in-one solution and offer a wide array of services from market to finance. Our clients – both corporate and private ones – will access all the servi...