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Loligo - World's First ICO Safety Blockchain

Banks are no longer the masters of money. With time, that power is being shifted towards the people, individuals and companies that generate wealth. ICOs are a perfect example of this. The way ICOs have impacted crowd funding is incredibly huge because it removes the middleman, the inefficiency and it introduces the investor to the beautiful world of blockchain. Not without a cost unfortunately. The cost of uncertainty, of fear and doubt if the project is authentic, if the team is verifiable and trustable and most importantly, if the project is usable and has utility in the real world. What keeps investors away from participating in an ICO most of the time it’s the same reason why people invest in an ICO. The middleman. You remove the middleman and you make the process faster, more efficient and cheaper. You remove the middleman and no one will be able to look after you in case the ICO projects is a scam. So there’s good and bad in having a middleman. Blockchain removes the middleman, but the way companies are raising money is vulnerable thanks to the lack of regulations in the space. This is where Loligo comes in play.

What is Loligo?

Loligo is basically a decentralized platform for launching ICOs. With the use of smart contracts, the platform establishes a secure way to fund projects while at the same time, protects the investor with a collective right of withdrawing this funds.
Currently, projects can launch a crowdfunding campaign through a third party such as Indiegogo, kickstarter and such. There’s problems with such models such as hacking, manipulation excessive margins and abuse of power. These are what we can call “centralized crowfunding”.
Then there’s decentralized ICOs launched through Ethereum or other smart contract based platform such as Waves, Stratis, Ethereum Classic (the original Ethereum chain), EOS, NEO, etc. Launching a crowdfunding through an ICO is a great idea, but still flawed. Smart contracts help you to achieve transparency, but not security that the project will run away with the collected ETH. The blockchain network ensures an easy way to transfer value without the need of a middleman, but congest it with too much traffic and its scalability issues manifest in slow transactions and expensive transaction costs. But still, the main issue here in decentralized ICOs is that there’s no way to ensure the intentions of the team behind a project. If they just want to raise money and get away with it, or if conflict within the team will lead to steal development or if the investor is lead to believe there will be progress and a year passes by and nothing happened in the project. This has happened A LOT.
Loligo has it’s own public and open-source blockchain platform that lets project operate and administer successful ICOs and most importantly, it protects the investor.

How does it work?

Introducing an inovative technology, The Loligo Cyclic Contracts (LLC) which releases the investor’s funds periodically under the control of a passive participant’s vote. This LCC can be adjusted by certain parameters such as the start date of the project, duration of the development phase, the control period and the minimum voting score for further distribution of coins. Think of it as a way to ensure the project is delivering real progress instead of just promises. If the project is full of words instead of actions, the investor can take the action to stop funding the project. So investors agree at the beginning of the project that they will invest in it, but won’t do so completely giving their money away. This is an effective way to make the investment valuable and worthwhile. You can learn more information in their whitepaper

What are the benefits of Loligo?

The token is minable, that’s a huge plus already to have a community-wide adoption. The mining process makes it a store of value unlike most utility tokens out there. There’s a fixed supply and it’s emission is deflationary. It’s a dedicated network solely to the launch of ICOs. Even though the platform is decentralized and no one has full authority or control over it, you still count with professional support offered by Loligo. This is to educate and aid the investor.
Loligo has a smart wallet to storage Loligo tokens, participate in different ICOs in the platform, monitor the platform and vote for projects. It has a block explorer that doesn’t just focus in transactions but instead focuses in more useful metrics for investors. Loligo also provide benchmark tools to compare and analyze ICOs updating a score in real time and evaluating projects overtime, not just rating them.

How can I get them?

There’s already a private sale live right now with the opportunity to invest with a 30% discount. You can learn more about the ICO in the website or head over to the Announcement in bitcointalk


I think that the utility this project is bringing to the community is much needed in the space to have a more efficient and reliable way to invest in cryptocurrencies, while keeping the value of your investments with the Loligo token acting as a store of value. I will be following this project closely and I’m pretty positive it will be successful. There’s so many tokens not worth the time or money, but Loligo is the exception.
Join the conversation here
Participate in the bounty campaign here
For more information about the ICO visit the website or download the whitepaper

Check the development here
For further questions and information about this platform, kindly click on the following links below:


AUTHOR : Heryu
ETH : 0xf86f8257A163643Bb238bA3bc2a95D25ecB874Cd


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